Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It is with a heavy heart that I write this post. Barbie received the news this weekend and although we are not shocked, we are saddened by the news that the crashmobile is on it's last tire. I spent a few precious moments with the crashmobile at the Michael's parking lot and told her to go into the light. Of course Barbie is suffering all the stages of grief, she can't afford to buy another car etc. But having been here many times before, I tried to explain to her that going into the light was the best thing for the crashmobile. No one knows how much time is left for the crashmobile, Barbie is just going to enjoy the last fews rides that she can with her. It is really just time to let her go since she spends more time with her hood up than down.

On the reading front, I finished Fulghum's What on Earth Have I Done. I have loved so many of his books, this one though: not so much. Something has changed in his writings and there were a few stories that made me laugh, but for the most part not so much. I have since moved on to Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta and thus far I am not too impressed. I told Tobey it has been a while since I read a really good book but I have 15 left on the nightstand, so there is hope yet.

Tobey and I watched Two Weeks this weekend. I had never heard of the movie but we get a free month of Showtime so what the heck. The movie stars Sally Field, Ben Chaplin (Truth About Cats & Dogs), Tom Cavanaugh and the gal from Law & Order's Criminal Intent. The essence of the movie is that four children return home because their mother, Field, is terminal and has two weeks to live. I won't give the story away but it is worth the watch. Bring lots of kleenex and I mean tons. It was funny and sad and made me miss my mother so much. It also made me remember way too much about the process of death, which I could live the rest of my life out happily never having to endure that again.



Too bad it couldn't of waited until I saved enough to afford another but hopefully I won't die while walking to work for a couple months from how out of shape I am LOL :)

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