Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Can you believe today is September 1st? And not to scare you but there are only 115 shopping day until Christmas!

The next few months always seem to fly by for me. Both Matt and Tobey have birthdays next month and of course we have to start putting the fall decorations up plus all the Halloween creepers. And before you know it the spooks will be replaced by turkeys and then Santa will explode all over every room in our house - much to Frodo's Anti-Christmas chagrin.

This year I have a little trepidation when it comes to putting the Christmas tree up. I purchased a new 9 ft tall tree last year, one that is pre-light and that part excites me to no end. The 9 ft part is what is giving me pause as with Mom's sectional in the living room and us getting rid of our fairly new, poorly designed, still in warranty but the company went bankrupt and can no longer make repairs couch - I have no place to put the 9 footer, or at least not where I planned on putting it when we had the old couch.

No worries though. I have a few more months to figure it all out. That is unless Tobey wants to put the tree up early this year. Say around November 1st?



Oh God, NOOOO! Every year I say I'm going to start early, and every year - there I am - 2 weeks before Christmas with still nothing bought. Then the last few days I go on a Giant Christmas Shopping Spree! That's when you get the good deals though. :) Or is it?

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