Friday, April 9, 2010

Das Idiota...

Do you ever do this:

I have been reading Deb's Smitten Kitchen for ages now and just found out that I have been calling her blog by the wrong name. Not that my blog reading comes up in any conversations but in my mind - I think, gee I need to go see what Deb is cooking up over at the Smitten KiTTen. I kinda wondered why she would call her cooking blog 'kitten' but hey I thought she liked cats or something.

*hair flip*

Then there is the Thig & Thwistle crafty blog. Gee, I wonder what is going down at the Thig today....only it is the Twig & Thistle which makes like way more sense than the Thig and Twistle. What the heck is a Thwistle any how?

*hair flip*

And there is the discussion Tobey and I had (in front of his parents no less) about the difference between fried rice and rite wice and why I prefer fried rice over rite wice any day of the week.

*hair flip*

What is sad is that 99% of the time I don't even know that I am doing it. Like when I tell the kids they need to vacuum the yard. Or load up the washing machine with dirty dishes please. Is this Alzheimer's or do I just need to cut Boo some slack for the years of butchering people's names? Like Brian Boykins (Boitano) and Connie Sell-EHK-ah (Selleca). Probably more the latter than the former and heck in this day and age of no one knowing what the former or the latter is - it could be more the former than the latter. Who knows. Or maybe, just maybe, it is the lormer and the fatter - which for me - would be oh, so fitting!

*hair flip*



The tap in the kitchen was leaking and for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was called. When I was telling the spouse, I had to say "You know that thing that when you turn it water comes out?" Then we both got the giggles.

So I just blame the children for sucking out all my brain cells when I was pregnant. Also just quietly I thought it was smitten kitten for a while as well. ;)

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