We have a winner!
Thanks to Tobey a.k.a Sir Spamalot I had to make some minor adjustments for the contest because he jokingly spammed the comments with pseudonames all voting NOT to paint the cabinet.
I complied a list of the folks who commented in order of when they commented as follows:
1 Kim
2 Kathy
3 Shelley
4 Gail
5 Lisa
6 Steve
7 Erin
8 Misty
9 PJ
10 Anita
11 Miss Pam
12 Dieter
13 Sadie
14 Tee
15 Crizzy
Then I ran the numbers through a random number generator and the winner is number 4: Gail! Congrats to Gail and thanks everyone for your opinions - I'm going to paint her (the cabinet that is, not Gail).
Okay, so I wasn't #4. But I'm so glad you're going to make your heart happy and paint. Since you're going for a beach look are you going to add any blue accents? Or just a nice crisp white?
Envy the tickets! I have all his CD's. and listen often.
A can organizer...just how many cans of pineapple do you have at a time? So many you have to stack them up? Congrats, anyway.
PJ said... April 17, 2011 at 9:39 AM
Congratulations to Gail and commiserations to Tobey.
frogpondsrock said... April 19, 2011 at 5:55 AM
Hope you will post the paint project, like before, during and after.
Tee said... April 19, 2011 at 4:33 PM
Yay you're painting it! And Yay to Gail!
Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said... April 20, 2011 at 4:01 PM
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