Sunday, April 17, 2011

We have a winner!

Thanks to Tobey a.k.a Sir Spamalot I had to make some minor adjustments for the contest because he jokingly spammed the comments with pseudonames all voting NOT to paint the cabinet.

I complied a list of the folks who commented in order of when they commented as follows:
1 Kim
2 Kathy
3 Shelley
4 Gail
5 Lisa
6 Steve
7 Erin
8 Misty
9 PJ
10 Anita
11 Miss Pam
12 Dieter
13 Sadie
14 Tee
15 Crizzy

Then I ran the numbers through a random number generator and the winner is number 4: Gail! Congrats to Gail and thanks everyone for your opinions - I'm going to paint her (the cabinet that is, not Gail).



Okay, so I wasn't #4. But I'm so glad you're going to make your heart happy and paint. Since you're going for a beach look are you going to add any blue accents? Or just a nice crisp white?

Envy the tickets! I have all his CD's. and listen often.

A can organizer...just how many cans of pineapple do you have at a time? So many you have to stack them up? Congrats, anyway.

Congratulations to Gail and commiserations to Tobey.

Hope you will post the paint project, like before, during and after.

Yay you're painting it! And Yay to Gail!

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