Friday, June 26, 2009


As you can see on the left-hand side of my blog I have a blog list. This is more for my use than yours, as it is my daily reading list. Some of those blogs I have read for years, like Michelle over at Scribbit, others I have just found but loved them silly and added them to the links.

I have chosen a few blogs that I love and would like to introduce them to you, just in case you have never been to these wonderful ladies and guy's worlds. Go. I highly recommend them. Highly.

First up is Mama over at Life Is A Bone. Fortunately, I actually know Mama in real life, she is the love interest and abode-sharer of Rockin' Rob, a.k.a Papa from A Bad Backcast. Our families have gone camping together in the past and she is such a unique and gifted soul.

The first thing you will notice at the Bone is Mama's use of language. She can make opening a can of tuna fish an elegant adventure. Each of her posts are an intricately woven tapestry regarding life. I super-de-duper recommend you give her a read. My only problem with the Bone and it is probably more my problem than hers, is that I want dailies. I simply can not get enough. Ya hear that Mama: more, more, more! Post more! I mean seriously, you live with Papa, that alone should give you blog fodder for years and years.

My second selection is Ree over at The Hotfessional. Ree is one of those 'net gals that I wished lived next door or that she was a friend from work or just someone to lunch with. She makes me laugh til I cry or snort or both and sometimes both at the same time.

And finally you must visit with Matt over at Matt, Liz and Madelin. You may be aware of Matt's story as he and Maddie have been featured on Oprah. Matt's wife Liz died of an aneurysm shortly after giving birth to their daughter Maddie. His blog chronicles their lives and is filled with the joy and love of a father for his daughter and heartbreak over the loss of his beloved wife. He faces all of these new challenges with a wicked sense of humor. He will make you laugh. He will make you cry. And all the while, as a reader, you will find yourself secretly, lurkingly becoming his biggest cheerleader.




"she lives with Papa so that should give you blog fodder for years?"


I know - sometimes though...the truth can sting a tiny bit...

Oh, Mrs. Ohtobe!! I'm so touched! Truly!

I'd love to write daily, but the whip hasn't stopped crackin' lately. I'm lucky to get one up each week! Not that Papa hasn't given me PLENTY to write about...


You're welcome!

Your contributions to the appliance poetry slam at my place were truly glorious. Thank you!

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