Thursday, January 28, 2010


June over at Bye Bye, Pie is hosting a photo dohickey where you take pictures at 7:57....Here are mine: Leftover cinnamon rolls! Mmmmmm

"Mom taking pictures of kitty - we want kitty!" Ignore the laundry - 7 people live here!

Me. Hey, I look pretty good when the flash obliterates me.

Nappy hiding. And he has to wear that sign for a few days. Thespian Inductions.

Chewie and Daisy on the way to make a sammich.

Barbie says, "Is this for your blog?" "I'm not dressed!"

Sweet Daisy



Yara. Doesn't she look put off by us humans?

Bones - in training with the 'put-off' look. Just a few more months grasshopper and you will have it down pat!

More laundry but it is the only picture where the time actually shows up!

Tobey. Just look at them wrists ladies! Those are ALL mine!


Hi Mrs. Ohtobe!

I love your name and I love making new friends through June's blog. She's something, isn't she? I did the pics, but I'm waiting for them to finish uploading. My middle girl was the same way, "Is this for your blog?" As if she couldn't be bothered. I think we June followers have the same thing in common, an inordinate number of pets. Love your pics. Your family's lovely. I'll be back.

Stopping by from Junes.

Love all the "are you serious" looks your family is giving you.

Laundry? What laundry?

Excellent, Smithers! I know you will be shocked to hear I am quite taken with your cats.

Mmmm I wish I had those cinnamon.

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