Saturday, February 13, 2010

A week and 3 days...

This past week had been, for lack of a better word, craptacular. Nothing major happened but it seemed that every day brought something that I simply could have done without. I chalked it up to that was my penace to having a three day weekend.

So I haven't a post between now and Monday. Instead I am going to just relax and cook and enjoy Valentine's Day with Tobey. I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

Oh - one last thing.

My sis-in-law, Little Martha, posted on her blog last night that it snowed in Valdosta. The last time it snowed there was Christmas 1989. Christmas 1989 when Frodo was 18 months old and I wanted to see snow for the holidays. We packed up and headed to my ex-inlaws where it always snowed. Except that year. No snow in Columbia, SC but it snowed in Valdosta to the point that it was reported on CNN. Just my luck eh?!

So pop in and visit with Lil Martha - she is going to post some pictures and I can't wait to see them. I tried to call them last night but they must have been outside making snow forts and snowmen. The boogers.


I'll get them posted sometime this evening. We've been organizing the garage all day.

Die-hard romantics, aren't we?

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