I shudder er shutter
While checking out to see who is and isn't blooming and most are in the isn't catagory - I caught this guy on the lemon tree. Lemons? Nope. Bugs? Yes. He actually used the leaf and pulled it around himself so I couldn't get a great shot. Lemons? Nope. Shy bugs? Yes.
And this is what I did with all those shutters! How very Key Westy of me eh? I sprayed them all sorts of colors and the boys and I randomly screwed them to the fence. So now when I open the door to let the dogs go out I get a lovely burst of color. I. Love. It.
And then I noticed Mom's bromeliads. The ones she bought me that never bothered to bloom while she was alive and then bloomed on the first Mother's Day after she died. Those bromeliads. Now two of them are blooming at the same time - and they make me think of Mom.
And finally poor Max. I had to take a far off shot because I um... trimmed his matted little self up and apparently I didn't do a very good job. He is embarrassed. As am I.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and trying to keep cool.
Cool use for the old shutters!
Anonymous said... June 19, 2010 at 10:37 PM
Great photos, I love the grasshopper(?) on the leaf. the shutters are a really nice idea as well.
I had a belladonna lily here that a friend gave me from his garden. It flowered the first year we transplanted it then sulked for 15 years. My friend died two years ago and the lily flowered that year.
Kim (frogpondsrock) said... June 20, 2010 at 4:54 AM
I LOVE what you did with those shutters! I'm going to have to look around this place and see where I can do something like that. I've got no fence, but I'll find somewhere.
My dogs need a trim so bad, but I learned the hard way. I was trimming the top of one of their heads, because the hair was getting in her eyes, but I just did an awful jog and she looked like she had a mullet by the time I was through. Professional groomers for me from now on.
Joann Mannix said... June 24, 2010 at 10:29 AM
LOL @ Mullet-headed puppies.
Mrs. Ohtobe said... June 24, 2010 at 2:16 PM
...and you just put a photo of poor Max up on the blog...bad haircut and everything. Isn't that like when your mom gave you a bad haircut is 4th grade the day before pictures?
Rob said... June 30, 2010 at 9:35 AM
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