Monday, November 1, 2010

Hot Socks and the Kitty

I'm linking up with Kristen's Works for Me Wednesday regarding the rice sock warmer I made for our stray kitty we found this weekend. I thought everyone already knew about this little trick but I told a gal at work about it and she had never heard of it before, so I thought I would share it with y'all.

Guess who had a bath tonight per the vet's instructions. Ms. Thing is sportin' a nice Dawn Green Apple scent this evening and boy did she ever need a bath.

Guess who also used the litter box! I am so impressed with her little kitty self.

Guess who wants her own blog now and bogarted my USB cable? She is so smart!

After her bath she was a little shivery so I made her a home-made warming pad out of an old sock:

I filled it up with a few scoops of rice, tied a knot in the end and heated it in the microwave for a few minutes. She snuggled down and took a nice long nap which we both needed.

You can make the rice socks filled with corn seed, flax seed or cherry pits. Just make sure that once the sock is out of the microwave you give it a good shake to disperse any hot spots. Not only can you use the hot socks for pets but they work equally as well on humans and they stay nice and warm a good long time. You can also add in a few drops of your favorite essentials oils for a lovely scent and/or you can add a few teaspoons of your favorite tea to achieve the same outcome. It certainly is a cheap and easy alternative when you need a nice and toasty compress and that certainly Works for Me!

We also had been keeping her in a box which she promptly climbs out of. So last night we brought out the cat carrier and she just loves it and goes in by herself when she gets tired. This is one smart kitty. Who still is nameless!! I think Tobey is going to call her Six because she is our sixth pet....I'm glad he didn't have much say so in naming our 5 children or they all would have been numbers.

Look for pictures from the boys' play this past weekend. They rocked it out and we are SO proud of them both.



Oh, I love her! You know, my dog Shadow Dante, who is a chihuahua, loves heat pads, too! I have a sock-with-rice one among others. I use them for my back but if Shadow sees me with one he gets all excited. Sometimes, I'll lay on my stomach on the bed with the heat pad on, and he'll lay on top of it. We both enjoy the warmth. I wonder if my dog and your kitty are remembering their days with their mamas and litter mates when they cuddle with a heat pad?

I think it does remind them and who doesn't love to be snuggled up to someone warm :)

Mrs. Oh, that kitty is so adorable and she makes me uber sad. She looks exactly like our grown up kitty who we have had for over ten years. She disappeared last week. She went out for her daily jaunt and never came back. We've looked everywhere. She's actually my college girl's kitty and I haven't had the heart to tell her yet.

And as much as I moaned and groaned about that cat, about everyone in this menagerie, I am heartbroken that something might have happened. We live on 12 acres, so even though she was safe to roam, we still have lots of wild critters. Usually the critters who would harm her only come out at night and this was the middle of the day, so I don't know. Maybe someone catnapped her and is spoiling her to no end. We're going to try to think that.

Enjoy your sweet kitty.

Oh no LWG - I hope your kitty comes home soon!

Kitty looks so cute and very adventurous too. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again soon..

I know this is going to stun you yet again, but I continue to love that kitty. And Joann, I had a cat disappear for 26 days once, so yours may return.

The name Circus Peanut is lovely.

I'm glad her eye is better. She's the spitting image of my Terrible Tootsie LeRoux. But she was named after a hooker and a bottle of blackberry brandy, so I would go with June's Peanut suggestion.

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