Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My bucket list...

I have so many items on my proverbial bucket list that I know I will never get to do. And I am okay with that - sometimes just the thought is enough. However, one item on my list got ticked off today. Last night Tobey asked me how much I would pay to see Andrea Bocelli in concert. My reply was an immediate, "$8,000." Because going to Lajatico and seeing him perform there ranks right up there with climbing the Eiffel Tower for me and I figure 8k would get me there and back and put me up in a nice Italian hotel.

I hope Andrea wasn't driving that little Vespa....

Needless to say Tobey thinks I am insane which is a running theme in our marriage. He then informed me that Andrea (and yes Andrea and I are on a first name basis) will be having a concert in Tampa. "Er. No he isn't," I argued back. "Andrea is playing Central Park in the fall and he isn't coming anywhere near here," I countered with. Not like when he played Orlanda two years ago and no one loved me enough to cough up the $500 per ticket I needed to go see him then. Nope. He isn't coming here!

I know this because I subscribe to his newsletter and am a Facebook fan of his page and no one told ME that he is coming HERE. *gasp* I just knew Tobey was pulling my leg. So first thing this morning I checked his website and he IS coming here on December 4th. At 7:30 p.m. and tickets went on sale yesterday. Yesterday folks! What if they already sold out?! Now while I am let down that Andrea and I have had a failure to communicate - I am thrilled my husband pays attention and he knew before I did about the concert. And purchased tickets. On the main floor. Just so I could tick on more item off my bucket list.

I say I am a pretty lucky girl with a wonderful husband who is going to sit through a concert he isn't going to enjoy or understand (because it will be in Italian) just because he loves me. Lucky is an understatement.



True love! Way to go, Tobey. While this is such a wonderful surprise, how are you going to stand the wait until December?

Sadie from BBPland

I know Sadie! I think now until then is going to be like the day before Christmas - for the rest of the year!!

Oh, you are a lucky girl! How are you ever going to wait that long though?! That would drive me crazy!

I had to visit after your "One Balled Pete" comment on June's blog. I am still giggling like a 12 year old about it.

OMG! What a wonderful surprise. I would love to see him in concert, but I don't think I would be buying $500 tickets in retirement.

Oh how great! That is really exciting. My mom loves him too. Don't think I could swing 1000 for tickets (wouldn't want her to go alone). What a lucky girl you are that he listens to you!

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