Sunday, July 24, 2011

From Steel Magnolias to Weeping Willows

You know that scene at the end of Steel Magnolias? Where Darryl Hannah took time off from hugging trees to play Annelle and in one scene Annelle asks M'Lynn if it was okay if she named her baby after the newly departed Shelby. And M'lynn, who's daughter died only 6 months prior, is all okay with it and says something about life going on. I hate M'lynn's sunshine and puppy attitude.


Baby and Max, Christmas 2007

On Friday when I got home, I sat in the truck a few extra seconds preparing myself to enter in the house without being greeted by Baby and without a bark to acknowledge my home coming. I really hoped Max would bark. But no. No one barked and it broke my heart. All the dogs do actually bark - but Baby would always start it off. Our little guard dog. It really has been so silent since...

Baby saying how happy she is Max came to live with us. Or not so much...

Daisy seems lost. Depressed maybe. She keeps walking around the house looking lost. I have to keep an eye on her because she is one of those kind of dogs: the kind that prefers to drink from the potty rather than the water bowl. And I really hate for her to be walking around with a Tidy Bowl blue mustache. Then I spied her in the bathroom and assumed she was going for a drink and I was about to scold her when I saw she wasn't in front of the pot. She was inside the shower. I can only assume since she hasn't done this before that she was looking for Baby.

I didn't think that Daisy paid enough attention to what was going on Thursday night. She came briefly into the kitchen but didn't really pay any mind to what was going on. Dr. B said that she saw Baby and that was enough and she even commented she was surprised that Max stayed in the kitchen as long as he did. The French - always sticking around during the most inoportune times.

After the initial shock of the no-bark I was also pleasantly surprised when I came in the door. Butter and Frodo were sitting in the living room and there on the chaise were Daisy and Petey-Pete. Pete wasn't hiding in the bedroom where he has been since we brought him home in February. He was out with the family and he stayed out there for hours on end. In the past he has been deathly afraid of the boys and would cower and run away from them. Friday night he let Frodo pet on him and even pawed on Frodo several times when he stopped paying him any attention. Once Frodo got up from the couch - Pete stole his seat and wouldn't move.

There was no way to crop out those size 13 feet...

I am so proud of Pete. I have been telling the family and especially Tobey that it is going to take time for him to feel safe and trusting. I have to wonder how intimidated he was by Baby because the timing seems a little too coincidental. So life is moving on. Pete is out of the bedroom and this is monumental!

And finally there is this bit. We had planned on burying Baby under one of the walk way stones in the back yard. Actually under the stone she most laid upon when we were out back. We figured she would be safe there and no one or thing could disturb her there. I planned on painting a memorial on the stone and setting her doggy tag into etc. But I can't. I just can't do it. Tobey and I already discussed not keeping her little wooden box in the house but I just can't let go of her yet. She'll be back home in two weeks time and when we have to pick her up from the vet I am sure it is going to make the loss brand new all over again. Maybe some day I can bury her ashes but not anytime soon.

Be sure to check back tomorrow. I promise I have a good doggy story that doesn't involve any of my pets!



It takes time. Be patient. We have buried all our fur babies down in the back yard wrapped in their favorite blankets. I have put 18" x 18" stepping stones over them to protect them from being dug up.

We buried our kitty Mochie in the backyard as well. She died after a procedure at the vet's office. I didn't even get to say good-bye to her. I just let them take her and assumed she would be just fine. So I made her a memorial stone that sits in front of our fountain.

Baby must have been the alpha dog. Maybe Pete will make his real debut. Do you think he might be the alpha dog now?

Speaking of kitties, how are your kittens doing?

I think Pete is trying to assert his authority - but - Daisy won't allow it one bit lol.

I'll post some kitty pics - Yodie is pretty much a cat now but still such a lovely little thing.

Oh, those feet!!

I don't want to cry again so I'm only commenting on the feet.

I know - they make my airplane carrier of feets look like Barbie feet!

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