Last weekend we loaded up the truck and the Challenger and headed off on our annual Presidents' Day camping trip. Chewie's girlfriend, Tater Tot, came along for the fun. She had never been camping before and boy was she in for a treat. This year we went to
Falling Waters State Park which is about an hour west of Tallahassee and about six hours from home. Which reminds me - it has now been a year since we
adbucted rescued
Pete from the wilds of Ocala on last year's camping trip. Happy Anniversary Sweety Petey Boy!

Tobey, Chewie, Tater Tot and Nappy
With the six hour drive and stopping for breakfast and lunch and all - we arrived around 4:30 and got to setting up the camp. Everyone was so tired from the drive and the set up that we all retired to our tents after the sun went down.
The next morning we headed over to the Falls.
Tater Tot and Chewie
The reason I chose this spot to camp was because Falling Waters boasts the highest waterfall in Florida. And of course the 'falls' depends on the amount of rainfall the area has received of late.
The whole gang
Now the weather forecast hinted at having a few showers. Alas that was not to be. We had a monsoon! The rain was so bad you could barely see your hand in front of your face.
And it knocked down the gazebo.
The firepit was surrounded by a two foot moat and every tent was flooded out. I had left my keys out and Chewie left his phone out and luckily despite finding them both in a puddle - they survived. Most of Sunday morning I spent at the local laundramat - good times. I have never seen so much camo and so many folks sportin' mullets in my life.

Later on we strolled down to the little lake and here is Tobey being as serious as ever.

Despite the trails looking to be pretty flat for Tater Tot - they were anything but and Chewie did some minor carrying of his lady and the guys took turns pushing her up and down the trail stairs.

Our final night was freezing cold. Remembering freezing our butts off last year in this neck of the woods - I brought electric blankets this time and we managed to stay nice and toasty. Tater Tot introduced us to
Phase 10 and we played some Uno as well.

Oh and the s'mores. Tater Tot really liked the s'mores. Chewie even accidently invented a new s'more. It was nighttime and he really couldn't see what he was doing. They decided to make a double decker s'more with a Cookies n Cream chocolate bar and a Hershey bar. Only Chewie left the chocolate bar on the outside and the graham cracker on the inside when he constructed it. Tater didn't complain though - she loved her some s'mores!
I love camping, but not so much in the rain. Our first camping trip was nothing but rain. I'm surprised we ever camped again, but we did for many years.
Tee said... February 25, 2012 at 10:09 PM
Growing up, our family vacations always involved camping. What is it about camping and rain?
So what did Tater Tot think of her first camping experience?
Anonymous said... March 3, 2012 at 9:49 PM
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