Bring Your Child To Work Day
Yesterday was "Bring Your Child to Work Day" which is something the boys and I always take part in. This year was a little different from those in the past with the City, as I no longer work in the front of the department where all the customers are at. I think the boys enjoyed the switch and I was glad they weren't subjected to ranting, cussing customers.
Both Nappy and Chewie took turns billing accounts and issuing meter re-reads and they did very well. My boss was thrilled we now have back-up help in case of emergencies.
We made my weekly change run to the bank and had to stop at Dunkin' Donuts for coffee and donuts. Chewie ate donut after donut and washed it down with soda after soda. You can see why they would rather go to my work than their school.
We lunched with Butter and Frodo at Tony's Pizza and spent a few minutes at the new Station Square Park in downtown Clearwater. We then returned to work to process refund checks. After all the work was done, the boys watched movies and chilled out until it was time to go home.
So I am looking forward to doing it again next year. Maybe with less donuts for Chewie next year.
Sounds like they did a great job and had fun.
Pork Chop likes to come with me and run the shredder.
Anonymous said... April 24, 2009 at 8:50 AM
They were wanting to hack into the City's network so they could have internet access. I could just see the City getting access to my laptop and me getting fired for having nekkid baby pictures.
Mrs. Ohtobe said... April 24, 2009 at 8:55 AM
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