Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Way Back Wednesday: Hearst Castle, 2003

This week's Way Back Wednesday highlights the famous Hearst Castle, nestled between San Fransisco and Los Angeles, California. Mom and I visisted my older brother and his family in March, 2003 where we also visited the castle. We traveled Highway 1 South from Monterey to the castle and this is one of my most favorite spots on earth. The views are breathtaking and Monterey is just simply lovely. Be sure to check out the official website for the castle for more pictures, a virtual tour and restoration that has taken place at the castle.

The Hearst Castle

The floor of the Roman pool. The gold tiles you see are actually 23 karat gold leaf.

A wider angle of the Roman Pool

The ceiling inside the refectory

Mom admiring the dining table in the refectory.

The Neptune Pool

The view with the ocean in the far background.

The entrance.

The Neptune Pool again.



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