Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It might be too late...

As you may recall I won honorable mention over at June's Bye Bye, Pie Bee Gee's photo contest. I am beyond thrilled with my Cupcake Frosting Floss and Lip Balm! As you can see I take my dental hygiene seriously despite the fact it looks like I am flippin' the world off - that is just the way I floss folks and you can see that it really works for me!

So thanks June for my prizes. And remember folks see your dentist twice a year, you might want to see him more often if you are flossing with Cupcake floss though.



That was beautiful. Sadly? I own those same teeth.

I see you got your teeth fixed!


I'm tellin' ya that Cupcake Floss is responsible for my enviable teeth!

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