Friday, November 19, 2010

A Royal Announcement of Sorts...

Marliam and Kune

...In honour of Marvin's birthday yesterday and the Royal Engagement announcement...

I swear that Marliam is looking more and more like Prince Charles every day!





Yanno I really should post the picture before I started 'fixin' it. June is SO tan compared to Kate. Like George Hamilton tan. Poor Kate looked like a glo-in-the-dark albino princess in comparison.


Now I want to grow my hair long, as if it would grow out brown and shiny.

Oh, Mrs. Oh! Once again you have stunned me with your photoshop prowress. You slay me.

No worries June - I am sure "The Kate" wig will be hitting salons shortly!

Oh my gosh, Marvin's face! Love it!

Oh dear god, I'm choking on my lunch!!! Hilarious!

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