Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bombs away...

I almost forgot to mention one of our little excursions when we went camping. What with finding Pete and then me going back in the hospital - I forgot all about this.

This was right before we found Pete. We saw a sign for Big Scrub Campground and decided to check it out. I knew that we were in a heavily used ATV area and we traveled the dirt road for about 5 miles and never came to any camping/recreation area.

We did notice several signs alerting us to the fact that we were in a active bombing range. Tobey assured us that they didn't use live bombs....but I really didn't care and couldn't get out of there fast enough. I found some pretty cool video on YouTube if you want to take a peek.

So on the way back to civilization I spied this clay road:

And of course no little gate was going to stop us from trespassing adventuring...

I am not sure if this area was created from being bombed or construction or what but it was very neat.
The color of the clays varied from orange to purple and were simply beautiful.

So take some time to get off the beaten path - just don't do it in a bombing range no matter who tells you that they don't use live bombs....



You are a much braver soul that I! No way, would I have checked out that bombing location.

How are you kitties doing?

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