Friday, March 4, 2011

Elvis/Pete has left the building...


When I first saw Pete I immediately thought about Rockin' Rob and his dog Lacey - who we were privileged to dog sit for a few months a while back. Pete looked just like a miniature Lacey and in the back of my mind I thought that maybe Rob would take Pete on as a companion for the Lacey girl.

Then I got all greedy. And I fell in love with Pete and I refused to part with him.

So yesterday at work I mentioned to Rob about Pete - and Rob was clueless about Pete as it now seems he isn't an avid follower of the Half-Empty Glass anymore. Wanker. I showed him Pete's picture and went through the whole story of how Pete came to live with us....I have NO idea why I brought this up to him and I certainly didn't have any intention of giving the Petester up....

But you may recall that Rob's brother Dustin Hoffman also works with me and come to find out he just loves Lacey to bits and takes care of her while Rob is out camping and 'yakking. Since Pete looks alot like Lacey and has the same temperment....I thought we had a winner. I brought Pete up to work and the two met. Come to find out Pete is terrified of cars and who can blame him with his history and all. I brought Pete over to Dustin's after work and left him in good hands. Dustin had said he had been toying with the idea of getting a dog for weeks....and then this happened. I think God put Pete in the middle of that road just so Dustin could have a companion and that they both wouldn't be alone anymore.

Now while we were in the lobby at work bonding and all - one of the ladies that works upstairs came down to look at Pete. I told her how we found him and she knew the area of the state where we were camping. The things she told us...revolting:

She said the hunters leave the dogs in cages out in the woods and never come back for them. She has come across cages stacked upon each other filled with the bodies of starved and dead pups.

She also explained why Pete has never uttered a single sound. She said the hunters would go out and shoot the dogs that made noise at night because yanno noise ain't good for the hunt. Bastards.

It all just makes me that much happier that we did rescue Pete and that he has a loving home now where I am sure he is going to get spoiled rotten. And the best thing is that I get to dog sit Pete back at our house for a few days at the end of the month!


Definitely a win-win for Pete and Dustin. The horror of dogs left to die. The cruelty is unbelievable or, at least, I hate to believe it exists. Thanks to you, Pete was saved to learn about love. Yea, that you get to babysit, too. That makes it a win-win-win.

Sadie from BBPland

This is a great end to a sad story. How wonderful that Pete will be so well cared for and spoiled. :-) Don't you wish you could catch those scum bags that put those poor animals out in those cages!!!! Perhaps they deserve to be put in a cage in the woods and left for just punishment.

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