We took Baby and Pete to the vet on Friday. One day earlier in the week Baby literally laid down and wouldn't even lift her head and couple that with the newly found lump on her side we thought it was time to get her in to the vet. Between the time I made the appointment and the time the appointment had rolled around things got a little better and then a little worse.
The day after she was laying around she seemed fine. Frisky even. And that just reminded me of when Mom was sick and you get warned that right before death people get a last wind about them. I figured this might be Baby's last wind.
She was having issues getting up because her feet were slipping on the hard wood floors. We went out and purchased a few rubber-backed runners and laid out slip resistant bath mats all over the floor. There isn't much floor left that isn't covered but she still manages to find that little bit of slippery real estate. The poor pup would exhaust herself trying to get up to slip over and over again. The same thing happened at the vet's office. She couldn't get traction from the terratzo tile and wore herself out.
The vet said that there isn't anything that he really could tell us. He said the lump was a something-er-other and probably not anything at all. We told him she stopped eatting so we switched her to a canned food which gave her the poopy butt. We then switched her to a moist morsel type dog food. Which she ate for a few days but now won't touch at all. I am putting her pain meds, arthritis med and hip/joint meds in cat food in order for her to eat it.
But then that stopped too. Yesterday she wouldn't take the cat food. Wouldn't take any of the variety of her foods and won't take the 'old peanut butter pill on the finger' trick either. Barbie came over and you may recall Barbie is a kennel technician. Baby bit her. Not enough to break the skin but it scared and upset Barbie to no end. It was Baby's way of telling her she was not in the mood for another examination.
The vet also said that he couldn't tell us if it was her time or not but that if we were thinking it was - it probably is. He said there wasn't anything he could point at to say 'this is the problem'. He said there are tests and x-rays they can do - but she is 15. He kept saying that, "She is 15."
So Frodo and Butter are taking Chew and Nap to Fort Wilderness for the next few days as a graduation trip gift and I already told them that Baby may not be here when they get back. Tobey didn't want to call the Doggy Hospice people this weekend - he said he would do it in a few weeks. I asked him to call them tomorrow so we can at least know what the process is and their availability. If something happens at 3 a.m. I want to know we can help her and not have her suffer.
Yeah. This sucks. Thanks for the sweet comments from the eclair post.
This is so sad. It makes me cry. Don't let her suffer. If she bit the vet tech she wants to be left alone. My brother's pooch did the same thing and wouldn't eat. They were out of town and my niece had to make the decision to let her go. It's so hard to let go. You are in my thoughts and prayers, because this is HARD and PAINFUL!!!!
Tee said... July 17, 2011 at 11:33 PM
Thanks Tee - yeah, I refuse to see her in pain at all. I was laying with her earlier just a prayin' for the Lord to make this easier and let her peacefully go in her sleep before we have to make this decision. Kevin thinks her tummy is just upset and that she is going to start feeling better soon...I don't think so though. *hugs*
Mrs. Ohtobe said... July 17, 2011 at 11:41 PM
I'm so sorry. Our Miss Maizie was 15 when she passed, fortunately she went peacefully and we didn't have to make that decision. Even though I've had to make that decision for other pets many times, it never gets easy. Know that I'm thinking about you.
HEATHER said... July 18, 2011 at 2:15 AM
This morning she finally ate so scambled eggs and is a little peppier.
Mrs. Ohtobe said... July 18, 2011 at 8:30 AM
Okay - three hours later and the eggs reappeared. Kevin is going to try some rice for lunch.
Mrs. Ohtobe said... July 18, 2011 at 12:33 PM
Lu was 14 - the vet said that if she were his cat, he would have made the same decision we did.
Anonymous said... July 18, 2011 at 2:05 PM
You are in my thoughts. I've had to make the decision twice and it was heartbreaking both times, but I loved them too much to let them suffer. *hugs* to you.
Anonymous said... July 20, 2011 at 1:14 PM
When they're puppies, you can't even imagine that this time will someday come.
I'm thinking of you.
rockygrace said... July 20, 2011 at 2:43 PM
Mrs. Oh, this breaks my heart. I'm so very sorry. I'll give my three girls some extra hugging today as I think about your Baby. So tough. I'm so sorry.
Joann Mannix said... July 21, 2011 at 10:38 AM
I am so sorry.
Anonymous said... July 21, 2011 at 7:41 PM
I didn't even know there was a doggie hospice. That is great that they came to you. When our lab was sick I had to take her to the vet since my hubby was out of town. My son came with me but he broke down and left and then I broke down and went after my son. That still bothers me to this day that I left but I know that the girls that were with her loved her like we did. They were such a great vet. I loved those people there. I wish I could find another place like that here.
Oh gosh, I need a donut now too!
Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said... July 22, 2011 at 12:58 PM
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