Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Some days..

...I can't win for losing.

Sunday I made Butter a crochet hook holder thingie for Christmas. Super simple, right? 3 rectangles and sewing a bunch of straight lines. Which I couldn't do to save my life. Seems (or seams if you prefer) that all I managed to do was rip out everything I sewed.

Then when I was about 3/4th of the way finished I ruined the whole she-bang. While clipping stray threads I snipped right into the fabric and there was no way to repair the hole I created. I could have covered it with some bias tape but that would have entailed ripping (again) the entire project apart.

So I started over and completed it without further incident. It seemed like everything I did that day just went bellyup.

So yeah. I can sew a little bit. Nothing major in my opinion. But I did make this dress for Butter to wear to Dragon Con last year. You Dr. Who fans might recognize the clockwork robot outfit. I gave Butter two detachable sleeve options and the skirt is reversible as well depending on if she wanted a ruffle or not. But sew a few straight lines? Bahhhhh!



I know the feeling all to well. I made my Hubby a waistcoat, which is 18th century clothing. We do Rev War living history and seems as though he had outgrown his waistcoat (vest). I had a pattern, but no instructions. I ripped out more seams, like most of them, more than once. Then the neck didn't fit properly, so I had to figure out how to correct that "minor" problem. I finally got it all put together, but not without a lot of grief on my part. Also, I was under pressure to get this finished by a certain date, because he had a program to present to our senior adults at church. Oh yeah, my Mom was recovering from hip replacement and I was trying to look after her. It was fun.

That should be, I know the feeling all too well, not to.

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