Sunday, January 8, 2012

More Crafty Christmas....part IV

In the final installment of Junk I Made For Christmas I present you all with the woodburned boxes I made! First up (thanks to Matt for the pictures) is the Lord of the Rings box I made for my brother Matt.

Matt added the Ring which was brilliant - why didn't I think of that!

I used most of the same designs from Frodo's box I made last Christmas.

The inside view of the box.

I think Matt really liked his box and I heard Porkchop suggested a Zelda box so guess what I will be working on next!

I put together this little Slytherin box for Buttercup.

And finally Nappy's Dresdin Files box that was over a year in the making. No, it didn't take a year to acutally make - it just took me that long to get off my butt and finish it.

I thought I would mention the red crocheted table cloth from above. I thought it would be nice to use it on our table this year and boy was I surprised when I put the cloth on the table and it was soooo small it looked like a table runner! I remember that Momma would pull it out at Christmas time and wrap our old trunk in it for display purposes. I suppose I forgot how small it was but in my kid's mind it was huge. I don't have any information on it other than it has been in the family since I was a child and I do believe my Great-Gran Snape crocheted it.

Anyways - I think that is about all for the Junk I Made For Christmas segment. I am working on a ton of book purses for my Etsy store and I have a project for Frodo's 24th birthday present next month as well. Thanks to Tee's request I will also be doing a tutOHrial for River's Diary box and I am thinking about linking that up to the Instructables site.

Hope everyone has enjoyed seeing what I had been doing!



Wow! You are so talented and creative. I don't have one creative bone in my body. I can decorate my house very nicely, and when I see something I know if I like it or not, but just to create something like that, nope. I can make angle pins that a very creative co-worker had a "how to" class for a groups of us. I can reproduce something if I see it, I just don't THINK of it on my own. Sad, I know. I looked to see if you have a link for your Esty account, but didn't see it. Did I overlook it or do you need to post it? Thanks for sharing all the goodies.

Isn't is amazing how thing we through we so large as children are so small to us now! I have some of my grandmother's table clothes and some are large, but when I was a child I thought the table she used was HUGE. It probably wasn't. The same goes for the house where I grew up. I had not been back in 40 years and when I did go back, it was sooooo small and the yard was so tiny. As children we always thought out yard was big, especially the backyard and it's not.

Have a great day.

Are you still making stuff on Etsy?? Your stuff above is AMAZING and was wondering what you sold??  Please contact me at or I'm spcecse7 on Etsy

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