Tobey's Mom has been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks. Last weekend she had a minor stroke. She has been in and out of ICU the last few days - keep her in your prayers.
Mrs.Ohtobe: Our heroine. Mr. Ohtobe: Handyman and Mrs. Oh's hottie.
Frodo and Buttercup: Eldest son (23) and his wife. Frodo attends SPC and Butter graduated from Agnes Scott in May, 2009.
Simba and Barbie (22), our twin daughters.
Nappy and Chewie (18), our twin boys who are seniors in high school now high school graduates.
Baby Girl, Max, Daisy and Pete, our puppies.
Yoda and Okie Won Catnobi a.k.a Yodie and Okie, our kitties.
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